Admarkon: Your SEO Experts

Admarkon is a digital marketing company with 20 years of search engine optimization experience. As SEO consultants, we have delivered over 300 successful projects, created SEO strategies and campaigns, and delivered results to clients in various industries. We are responsible for your search performance in all search engines but primarily focus on Google.

Table Of Contents

Understanding SEO and Its Terminology
Keyword Research- Long Tail Keywords – Keyword Density LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing

Process of SEO at Admarkon
Content Creation and Content Optimization –
Technical SEO – Schema Markup – On-Page SEO – Off-Page SEO

How Admarkon is Different from Other SEO Companies
One Step Ahead – Creating an Authority
Optimized for the Future


Admarkon’s SEO services are managed from our offices in Baroda, Gujarat, and Palakkad, Kerala.

Understand What We Do and Our Services in Detail

SEO success depends on how well you understand google and other search engines. Search engines want to display relevant information to users to satisfy user query. If the end user is satisfied with the results provided by google, Google is satisfied with the results it is providing. When you create a website, ensure that you focus on the user. The content should satisfy user query, easy to find, detailed, and with media (images/infographics/videos) where required. As a search engine, Google requires to crawl your website regularly. Ensure that your website loads fast and has no errors. Avoid using excessive JavaScript and CSS.

Technical SEO – Ensure Fast loading websites with Good Structure, Security and Responsiveness

The core of all SEO, we believe, is the technical part of search engine optimization. Technical SEO is also one segment where you have total control over the process. It involves configuring your website and web server to make crawling easier for search engines. This includes faster load times, zero error web pages, fast-loading images, structured sitemaps, and more. It also requires a good hosting platform that delivers fast response to queries from the client.

On-Page SEO – Using Keywords, Structured data and Headers Effectively

On-page SEO refers to the process of formatting your web pages to the standards required by Google. This includes properly formatted headings, inclusion of keywords and key phrases, alt tags in images, URL structure, and more. On-page SEO is another area controlled by the website owner. It can be harnessed to your benefit for ranking on Google and other search engines easily, especially for low competition keywords.

Off-Page SEO – Creating Content naturally shareable, Linkable and likeable

Off-page SEO primarily refers to mention of your brand or website on other websites. This could be on a news site, a directory, or a forum. While some parts of off-page SEO can be controlled by you, the majority of the references are not. Off-page SEO does not essentially mean links to your website; it could also be a reference to your brand name with prominence. Your off-page SEO rankings are better when referred to from well-ranked authoritative websites and authors. At Admarkon, we do not manipulate off-page SEO. On the contrary, we rely on organic off-page SEO practices by providing quality content to refer to.

Local SEO – understanding Google Business and serving clients locally

Local SEO refers to the practice of targeting a specific geographical area for search engine optimization. This includes creating a local Google business profile, adding locations to your website, especially in the Contact Us section, and mentioning your service areas where required. Local SEO is less competitive as you have a lesser pool of websites in the same industry in your area compared to globally. It is also the fastest way to start getting leads and sales.

Mobile SEO – Responsive design and Serving for Low Bandwidth Users

In India, 73% of web users search on their mobile devices. Optimizing your website for mobile devices ensures you are ready for 73% more users than those websites only optimized for larger screens. Optimizing for mobile includes adjusting image sizes for mobile devices, faster loading web pages for lower bandwidth users, and proper formatting and design of your websites on mobile screens. At Admarkon, all our websites are designed to be responsive and work equally well on both mobile devices and PCs. We also ensure that mobile websites load fast even on lower bandwidth.

E-commerce SEO – When your focus is on conversion, sales and leads

E-commerce SEO relies heavily on schema markups and structured content. With e-commerce websites, product articles and descriptions are limited. Focused on sales and click-throughs to the cart or checkout page, e-commerce SEO has its own set of challenges. We tackle these challenges with structured data, Google Merchant accounts, and publishing your products on Google Shopping among others for better ranking of your website and products.

Understanding SEO and Its Terminology

Keyword Research- Understanding what Users search online to find You

Keyword research is the process of finding keywords used by users for finding information, products, or services. The SEO process always starts with keyword research. Finding the right keywords and analyzing them based on their intent makes the process of content creation easier and more structured. Keyword research is also the key to topical authority. Finding LSI keywords and creating authoritative, quality content around these keywords help users and search engines understand your website’s industry relevance.

Long Tail Keywords – detailed search query expecting specific information

In keyword research, there are simple, straightforward keywords directly related to your products and services, and there are long tail keywords or key phrases which help customers find specific information. Long tail keywords have become more important over the past years with higher competition keywords being more saturated. The use of long tail keywords is often easier to rank for. The process of keyword research should also include finding relevant long tail keywords for your industry, products, and services.

Keyword Density – is it obsolete or important?

Keyword density refers to the occurrence of a particular keyword in a document. Unfortunately, keyword density has been overused. The process of using LSI keywords, on the contrary, has been found to be more efficient in modern-day SEO. Keyword density, though, should not be overlooked and should be used with caution. Do not go by numbers but use the keywords when required and when it provides context. Do not force keywords into the content.

LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing – The Trending Keyword in SEO

LSI refers to keywords with similar meanings or related to the main keyword. Inclusion of LSI keywords provides more context to the topic. For instance, an apple could mean a fruit or the company. Providing context, the keyword helps search engines understand more about the topic and rank better.

Entity Based SEO – Creating Content around an Entity

Search engines are less reliant on keywords now and more reliant on the concepts behind the keywords. The ability of search engines to understand keywords have created a completely new approach to content creation and search engine optimization. Read more about Entity based SEO And our entity base Content creation Services here.

Process of SEO at Admarkon

Content Creation and Content Optimization : Create for Users , Optimize for Search engines

At Admarkon, we start with keyword research. Content is the primary source of traffic. We provide SEO copywriting services, blog creation and optimization, and content marketing services. Content freshness is important for SEO. Search engines love websites that are regularly updated. Providing new content or updating existing content are known to be efficient ways to increase your ranking position and maintain it.

Simultaneous content creation on third-party websites is important too. Posting related content to social media websites, answering questions on forums, and being active on other websites of the same industry creates backlinks to your website and references. When required, we send out press releases and do guest blogging. When possible, we optimize anchor text from third-party websites to increase link juice and add more relevance to the page linked to.

Images are often overlooked parts of SEO but we at Admarkon do not leave any opportunity unutilized. With infographic outreach, we create opportunities for image optimization. Sites like Pinterest and Instagram are used to drive traffic too.

Technical SEO – How to ensure you get it 100% right to increase traffic by 50%

While content is created, there is another part which is being worked on: your website. A good search engine-optimized website should be optimized for performance. Technical SEO refers to the process of creating a fast, error-free website which is easily accessible by search engines. While there are visible parts of a website, there are parts which are never seen by a web user but are important for search engines.

To begin with, you need an XML sitemap. An XML sitemap helps search engines identify all the pages on your website from one location. Instead of crawling your website from the links on your pages, your website provides easy access to all your links in a structured format for search engine consumption.

The Robots.txt file is the next file which provides rules for search engines to indicate which pages can be accessed, crawled, and indexed, and which pages have restrictions. This is particularly useful for prohibiting pages which are not to be indexed like the login pages.

Schema Markup : Helping Search engines understand your web page

Schema markups are structured data content in XML format which helps search engines understand your website’s content. While a website can be crawled in its original format, there is a lot of noise and clutter which may prevent your website from being crawled efficiently. Schema markups help search engines identify the type of content (recipes, job posts), authors, the main content itself, the title, and more without the clutter of the design and raw HTML. Schema markups make a small difference in ranking and are very helpful in areas where there is stiff competition and you need that extra edge.

Apart from the above basic requirements, there are others which are part of technical SEO. This includes On-page SEO to some extent too.

On-Page SEO – Format your information

On-page SEO is a continuous process of analyzing content in each of the web pages for the right formatting. Key points that are addressed include:

  • Title Tags: Proper formatting of title tags in a structured manner is important for search engines to understand the main topic and the subsections under them. The H1 tag should only appear once in the document and should reflect the topic of the content. The H2 tags should be the main sections under the main topic, and H3 should be used under H2 tags and so on.
  • Images and Alt Tags: All images should have alt text for accessibility reasons and also for the search engines to understand what the images are about. Alt tags should reflect the image and, when possible, should have keywords in them.
  • URL Structure: Structure the URLs in a directory format. Also ensure that the URL is as short as possible with keywords included in them.
  • Internal and External Links: When possible, link your document from other documents on your site. Make sure the links are relevant. The links should come from a document which is closely related to the existing document, and the anchor text should reflect the content in the document linked to. The same rules apply to both internal and external links.

These are the basic steps Admarkon as an SEO agency performs on your website to rank better on search engines. Remember these are not the final list of tasks performed and the list extends to over 100 tasks to perform on each page.

Off-Page SEO – Content that attracts

When it comes to off-page SEO, Admarkon has a different approach to the process. Unlike other SEO consultants and agencies, Admarkon relies completely on organic link building. We provide excellent content to add value to our users which creates authority and information that is not provided elsewhere. This may be in the form of articles, infographics, and videos, depending on the nature of your business. We spend very little time on building links from forums and directories. With organic link building techniques, we ensure a constant flow of links to our website for a longer time with little to no extra effort after content creation and distribution.

How Admarkon is Different from Other SEO Companies

One Step Ahead

SEO is rapidly changing. By the time I finish this article, at least one new concept has evolved and Google has changed one algorithm in its search engine. While the core concepts of SEO may not have changed, a lot of things will change by the time you read this article. At Admarkon, we understand that change is constant in the SEO industry and being able to adapt is important. A successful SEO strategy should not be reactive. It should be adaptive, predictive, and anticipative. Knowing where search engines are going next helps us stay ahead of the game.

Creating an Authority

While search engine consultants will get you ranked for keywords, we optimize and create content to put you forward as an authority in your industry. Unlike ranking for one or two keywords, you rank for a group of keywords related to your industry. This brings in more traffic while putting you in the front as an authority in your industry.

Optimized for the Future

Search engine optimization goes through major changes every time there is a Google update. Major Google algorithm updates are rolled out 3-4 times a year. The SEO industry sees changes at least once a year. These updates affect a lot of websites and SEO experts have been found to complain about major loss of traffic in many cases. Even big sites have been found to be victims of Google algorithm updates. Understanding Google algorithm changes is a key part of successful SEO.

If you are interested in optimizing your website and increasing your traffic by up to 400%, leave us a message and we will be happy to help. SEO consultation is free and costs nothing. Find out what we can do for you now. Contact us.

Local Services : Best SEO Company Baroda